Sunday, July 31, 2011

Don't take these things at night.....

First, I usually take these bugs in the morning right after my breakfast - but today I managed to wait to take my 19 bugs really late.  Like 10PM late.  Right now, I feel like caffeine is racing through my veins and I can feel it in my head and chest and arms.  I had coffee today but my last cup I finished around noon or 1PM?  So the effects of the caffeine from coffee were looooong gone.  I don't usually notice this influx of adrenaline....possibly it's a compound of things?  For example:  I start a new job on Monday.  Could this adrenaline be from sub conscious anxiety I may feel about starting this job?  What about it just being a direct effect of these bugs?  Could the combo of the caffeine and the bugs fuel a recipe for over stimulation?  I have no idea and I don't know how to determine the theories.  My mind is racing right now - not on anything particular but I just plain feel like I could run a marathon at the moment.  On a side note:  The calcium deposit I have been reporting to you about is now approximately 65% smaller.  I am so excited about this I can't even begin to tell you.  Well I am going to try to get some sleep - It's pretty late. 

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